Inspired by the Beatrix Potter tale series, this frog silhouette depicts the character, Mr Jeremy Fisher, who lives in a house on the edge of a pond. With him is his favourite fishing rod which he takes on his travels, before his treacherous encounter with a large trout which tries to eat him. Designed from high quality robust steel and left to naturally age when exposed to the elements, this garden ornament is ideal for placement in flowerbeds, patio borders and woodlands. With ground spikes integrated into the feet of the frog, it makes for easy installation and removal from the ground.
For outdoor items, weathering may occur over time as the item is exposed to wind, rain and other natural elements. Please see our product maintenance guides to help you protect your product.
*All dimensions and weights are approximate.
- Height
- Width
- 39cm (15")
- 36cm (14")
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